Disrupt the Field - Speaking from Your Revolutionary Heart
*this is a recording of the live class
There are multiple middle ways that exist between fighting the system and opting out.
There is a responsibility for a certain set of people-facilitators, mentors, guides, oracles, teachers, and artists that are primed, soul contracted, and called forward from their spirits and their hearts to speak into this space.
You have to know yourself and know what you believe in order to speak into the field in a different type of way.
This offering is for the revolutionary voices that want to hold the new way that falls somewhere between the old idea that “we have to fight and this is the only way” or a dreamy, unformed, untended objective for the future.
This is for you if you want to hold an energy, hold a vocal tone, stand with rooted, grounded, and anchored feet in what your purpose in this evolution is and what is possible for us.
This is for you if you have enough courage, determination and clarity in your being about your place in this.
This is for you if you want to hold a frequency together in a way that doesn’t involve fighting/anti-energy, judgement or trying to “wake people up.” Everyone has a sovereign, free will choice and we are choosing ours with high intention.
Our voices can provide a meaningful counter point, something that opposes the mainstream message that is feeding chaos, fear, and a continued divide and conquer objective of “good guys vs. bad guys”.
OUR JOB is to create the new with our words, our vision and our beliefs.
Disrupt the Field contains;
A community intention and prayer for the world we want to create together
The sacred responsibility of the healer/guide/teacher in this lifetime
Ways to use your voice and speak into public space that create connection rather than division wrapped in a spiritual outfit
Qualites to build and strengthen within yourself to be able to carry your voice with courage and passion
An Awake in the Dream activation for the future we want to create
Meet Your Guides
Ayesha Ophelia
Ayesha is a spiritual provocateur, conceptual creative, brand magician, committed storyteller, truthteller, dangerous woman, d.i.y. designer, self - made artist, and complicated woman.
Ayesha Ophelia is a courter of synchronicity, intuitive diviner, and the author of The New Romantics: The Art of Musical Divination and the accompanying oracle deck called For the Record. She is also a prolific creative, guide, and proprietor of Ritual Necessity, a cozy wellness sanctuary and spiritual shoppe in the heart of Wimberley Texas. She shares her art prolifically on Instagram and has created a community called Society of Wild Hearts for dreamers who are ready to actualize.
Erin Telford
Erin is a Breathwork facilitator and teacher trainer, an evolutionary business mentor for healers and coaches, an intuitive guide, and an igniter. Her work began over a decade ago as an acupuncturist, Chinese herbalist and Reiki Master. She supports people in connecting to their intuition and innate wisdom so that they can find the answers that already exist within themselves and in expanding their consciousness through growth, healing, and personal evolution.
She has created Breathwork experiences for Free People, the Soul Cycle/Soul Legends retreat, In goop Health NYC, Wanderlust Festival, and YPO. Her work has been featured in Vogue, InStyle, Shape Magazine, Nylon, and NY Magazine.