Tune In, Turn ON

How to Trust Yourself & Deepen Your Intuition

*I am unfortunately postponing our start date as I have been displaced by the wildfires, but we should be starting next week!

On January 11, a new 18 month nodal cycle will begin. Our cosmic orientation moves into Pisces, the realm of consciousness, the ethereal/multidimensional realms, and the emotional body.

This is an entry point into greater awakening of our spiritual gifts and even greater deepening and widening of our consciousness.

I know you are already working with your intuition.

But intuition as a tool of PRECISION and CLARITY will be a non negotiable super power in the internal and external expansion of the coming years.

Knowing what is for you and not for you.

Knowing what is real and not real.

And more than anything, knowing what gets in the way of that crystal clear vision and knowing and being able to reorient your compass.

When you know what gets you wobbly, what makes you doubt yourself and disconnect from your inner knowing, you can come back to center quickly.

All that work happens inside, to let our essence be our anchor point and our filter be exquisitely clear.

Tune In, Turn ON works with the nervous system and one of the most profound tools for dropping out of the mental realm and being able to make contact with your soul and the multidimensional field.

We look at how we’ve been conditioned to outsource our power and doubt what we see, hear, feel, and know.

Anxiety/Fear vs. Clear Intuition.

Discernment vs. Judgement.

Doubt vs. Not Meant for You.

You will receive:

7 days of teachings with reflective questions and exercises to deeper your self understanding, a daily awakening short Tune In meditation, and a live Q&A and a live Breathwork healing session (dates are slightly delayed as I’ve been displace by the wildfires!)

*All will be downloadable so you can save the materials.

  • Breaking the program of outsourcing power and authority to external sources and reclaiming the wisdom and power that lives inside us. 

  • How to tell the difference between when your head and your heart is speaking

  • How to tell the difference between intuition and fear and how an activated nervous system or anxiety can impact and influence our intuition

  • What is intuition and what do intuitive cues look like/feel like?

  • Societal/cultural/family of origin programs that can disrupt or sever our connection with our intuition and how to expand beyond

  • Unhooking from societal norms, using discernment, and cultivating faith & trust

T U N E I N, T U R N O N:

How to Trust Yourself & Deepen Your Intuition


Intuition is guidance that is received through connection with the wisdom that already lives inside you-within your spirit, your heart, and your essence. It is information that exists in the realm of consciousness and energy rather than what can be proved through logic. It can be received through your guides, ancestors, and any alliances you have in the natural world. It is knowledge in the form of clear internal knowing.

When you can trust yourself and the guidance you receive from within, life gets way easier.

You will know what is a Yes, you will know what is a No, and you will know when you need more time or more information. 

You will become clear on your needs, your choices, and your next steps.  Grounded assurance takes the place of confusion and indecision. 

This is available to all of us.  We are born intuitive and with the ability to listen within to our hearts. 

In a world that continues to ask us to evolve and be responsive, you will continue to be presented with crossroads and moments in time where you will need to make strong choices with certainty. 

If you are already so aligned with your internal terrain, your heart, your spirit, and your inner compass, you will know what to do. 

It won’t be so complicated because you are so tuned into yourself that you will naturally pick what’s in your highest and best interest. 

If you would love to feel deeply connected to yourself and your deep wisdom and be able to fully trust and believe in the information you receive from yourself and any of your guides; I can’t wait to walk this path of reclaiming your energy with you!