Breathwork facilitator and teacher trainer, conscious business mentor, and intuitive guide.
My journey
Eighteen years ago, I quit my job at Prada Corporate to go back to school to get my Masters degree in Chinese medicine and become an acupuncturist and herbalist.
Ten years ago, in the jungle in Nicaragua, I experienced the most profound healing of my life.
I released decades of pent up rage, grief, and sadness.
I connected the dots on so many events in my life that had never made sense.
I felt the gentle touch of my sister’s hand on my heart.
I felt love for myself and humanity like I never had before.
(AND I had the most glorious natural high that felt like being stoned on the Universe!)
I didn’t drink, eat or smoke anything. No one touched me. This happened with my body, my spirit, my breath and source energy.
This was Breathwork.
I had been an acupuncturist and herbalist since 2010.
I’d been on my own healing journey since my teenage years. But I was stuck without even knowing I was stuck.
I was stuck because I thought that where I was, was all there was.
I thought I had done “the work” because I’d read all the books. Went to all the workshops. Received a ton of healing sessions.
I had made it through the loss of my sister. I had tough conversations with both of my parents about the wounds that were created in my childhood. I dealt with fallout from addiction and alcoholism within my family. I found my way through the devastation of two major heartbreaks. I was handling my co-dependency issues.
I had learned so much. I thought I felt pretty good.
But I had barely scratched the surface of my Emotional Body…
The place where all the work hides out that no one wants to do.
Breathwork was the medicine.
It was in fact, so powerful that I left my acupuncture practice behind to focus completely on Breathwork.
I did not want to be the magical person that did things to you that made you feel better that you didn’t necessarily understand.
I wanted to show you how to generate healing energy within your own body, connect to your spirit, your intuition, and the place inside you that holds all of the answers you need.
Over time, the practice of Breathwork helped me peel all those layers of social and family conditioning. It helped me release “too much” and “not enough.” It helped me step strongly into my power as a teacher and a leader with a voice. It helped me let go of being a walking wound-always a victim, waiting for someone else to make it better. It gave me a way to move out all the anger, resentment, fear, and disappointment from my body. It helped me fill up from inside with self love and grace. It deepened my connection to my intuition, my creativity and my faith. It made me feel whole and not broken, probably for the first time in my life.
I stayed with it.
I became a Breathwork Healer Level One & Level Two teacher trainer.
I continued to dig deep and look under every rock and every stone until I knew my inner terrain so well.
My courage continued to grow. My intuition continued to grow.
I kept releasing programming and conditioning and kept learning and kept expanding until I felt wildly capable, brave, strong, clear and guided as a way of life.
Last year, I fell down a mountain, broke a bunch of bones and had a traumatic brain injury that pushed me into another level of spiritual initiation.
Coming into contact with my mortality has been one of my biggest teachers in my life. Not knowing how much more time I have ignites me.
This accident restructured my body and my entire universe. It recalibrated my work and has guided me toward supporting healers in their leadership and conscious business mentorship.
We are all evolving right now.
Who you are becoming is up to you. We’ve all been given new assignments and new superpowers. I support you in entering new territory in your work and your consciousness. I support you in embodying courage and clarity. I support you in your revolutionary growth and unfolding.
Let’s do it together.
Erin Telford is a Breathwork facilitator and teacher trainer, a conscious business mentor for healers and coaches, and an intuitive guide. Her career began over a decade ago as an acupuncturist, Chinese herbalist and Reiki Master. She supports her clients in connecting to their intuition and innate wisdom so that they can find the answers that already exist within themselves and in expanding their consciousness through deprogramming patterns, societal conditioning, limiting beliefs, and healing core wounds. Her business mentorship supports healing professionals in liberating their true voices, expanding their impact, vision, abundance, and personal evolution.
She has created Breathwork experiences for Free People, the Soul Cycle/Soul Legends retreat, In goop Health NYC, Wanderlust Festival, and YPO. Her work has been featured in Vogue, InStyle, Shape Magazine, Nylon, and NY Magazine. She currently lives in Topanga Canyon and is voraciously enjoying her life.