Bring Breathwork to Your Workplace
A 90 minute-2 hour guided active meditation experience
Breathwork is an active meditation technique
It bypasses the familiar loops of the thinking brain to connect you to your emotional center, your creativity, your intuition and your heart. It is done lying down and is designed to safely release stuck emotional energy, creating a strong connection to self and a clear mind.
A 90 minute-2 hour guided meditation experience can be part of a wellness day event, retreat, festival, or experience for your staff/company.
Client love
“Breathwork + Sound was life changing!! It was beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. That group experience was the highlight of our SoulLegends weekend retreat. I will remember it for the rest of my life!”
— Melanie Griffith, Director of Instructor Development at SoulCycle
Benefits of Breathwork
Access to greater creativity and innovation.
Increased compassion, understanding and authentic connection with employees, co-workers and clients.
Renewed energy and clarity.
Heightened intuition.
Stronger bonds formed through shared experience.
Decreased anxiety, frustration, overwhelm, depression and stress.
Client love
“I experienced breathwork with you at In goop Health in New York and it was mind blowing! That 30 minute session was worth my entire trip to New York and then some. It was by far the best thing I did there and that’s saying a lot as there were some pretty amazing things happening!!”
— In goop Health New York attendee
Client love
“We invited Erin to share Breathwork with us for our wellness day. Having this experience together as a group inspired so much honest sharing which created much more authentic connections on our team. It was really powerful and we were all buzzing with so much energy afterward!”
— Mike Reid, Director of Visual Merchandising and Special Projects at Free People